Aura Implant Healing and Clearing
This etheric implant has been identified sitting in the energy field of a home or any structure.
This same implant has also been found in the energy field or aura of humans and pets.
This implant is not the same as an implant found in a Chakra. Click for more info on Chakra Implants
It appears to act like a homing beacon for negative demonic anomalies to find to manipulate a person or homes energy.
Depending if the implant is within a persons aura or their home energy field a portal may open at any time or not at all.
The implant will have unique side effects per person.
Aura Implants are sourced from an anomaly level energy field
Just as soon as you removed the aura implant, I felt the rush of energy flowing down into my legs. It was as if someone turned open a faucet! The pain which has been emanating from my IT Band (outside left thigh ligament) and connected to other ligaments attached at the top In my pelvic area on my left side seems to be lessened by 90%! My gait felt normal again and when I stand up I have little to no resistance (pain). In the past 6 years I've had only marginal relief doing all manner of energetic healing, Ancestral Clearing, Myofascial Release and Network and KST Chiropractic. Any relief I've managed to realize has been short lived (a couple of days) .This feels very different in that I just took notice when I got up to clean up the kitchen I was not favoring my left side at all and when I was standing at the sink my body was fully aligned upright again!
Linda in Pennsylvania
Once again, you come up with a way to assist with implants that I did not even realize existed. I experienced Daniel’s removal of implants sitting in energy fields of our house and my aura. Per Daniel, these implants are a homing beacon for bad things to find people and their homes as well and I seem to go through this again and again. I am ready for this to stop so Daniel removed the house implant first. Right away, I experienced what I can describe as a swirling of energy as the energy continued clearing and releasing. It began at my crown with my heart feeling a calmness. Then burping for more releases. Major throat movement too with a bit of burning, not painful though. I was happy to feel this as I do have throat issues. Then sneezing as this swirling energy moved its way down to my solar plexus. Next, Daniel removed the implant in my aura. Again, swirling of energies as more releasing took place. I felt this deep into my chakras too. Soon, I had to go to the bathroom to purge my colon. Days after, I feel a deep calmness along with a further stability within. Highly recommend this. One of a kind.
Louise in Florida
As a massage therapist that works with emotional release and energy work, I can always tell when my office's energy starts feeling stagnant and negative. I do my best to keep it cleared (sound clearing, tons of selenite, palo santo, etc) but lately it looks like a fog rolling through that made me very uncomfortable. Daniel did a office energy clearing which looked like a vacuum pulling out the fog. It helped immensely but something still felt off. Then I was seeing hologram images appearing on the walls while I was working. A few days later Daniel tells me about his new service of aura implant removals and that he was sensing one on me and the office. It was exactly how it felt to me. As soon as he cleared it, I got shivers and chills and everything shifted. The "happy" and lightness were coming back to my beloved space. Now I want to be there and feel at home again. I've sensed a change in my clients as well - more settled and peaceful while on my table.
Carrie in Florida
Daniel's aura implant removal in my aura and in my home had a profound effect on me as I found myself getting very emotional the next day about a specific issue that disturbed me. I interpret this as a good thing considering that the next day I felt very upbeat and happy, almost like the initial unpleasant shock to the system was meant to be the storm before the calm. I often had issues zonking out against my will during live conferences even when on caffeine, suggesting some implant could've been in me to sabotage me. With this thing out of me, I think that may no longer happen. Thank you Daniel.
Andrew in Pennsylvania
Daniel did an implant clearing for me I instantly felt lighter and the voices had faded I was able to think clearly and finally relax .
George in New York
Something keeps knowing where I am when I travel. I have been complaining for years. I have contacted Daniel several times about this and each time he finds a trespasser in my home. He removes it and it stays away for a while. He also will find a portal which is removed. It makes traveling hard, if I visit a person for a week it tracks me down. This time something changed, when the house implant was removed it felt lighter in the home. Then he removed the one on me and it was not the same as prior clearing work. I feel so much better since this has been resolved.
Joyce in New York