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Demonic Being Clearing

  • These are energy-based beings, they have no physical statue unless corrupting an human energy field.

  • If seen by a gifted psychic it can resemble a blob of jelly with an electric current.

  • They are known to make burping and farting (passing gas) noises only when near by.

  • They will arrive using an implant & portal system.

  • If detected in a home it will only be emotional based, a sense of extreme fear, anxiety, hesitation may be sensed in an area of a home energy field. (Example only).

  • This can be confused easily with other paranormal anomalies.

  • This anomaly can be resolved\removed for relief.

​*Please rule out physical layer issues with a medical or dental provider.
*This is not an emergency service; everything is scheduled out.
*All services are considered intangible, or perception based.
*There is no promise or guarantee that a healing will work on you.
*This depends on your own beliefs, thought method, emotional sensitivity levels. 
*Anything negative you put in your body can influence and or disrupt a healing. 

*Women menstruating should delay healing work until after it concludes.

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