7 Chakra Balance

This is an illustration of how the Chakras operate normally.
The long blue rectangle represents the aura.
The human form goes inside the aura.
The yellow circles represents a frequency, the arrows indicate direction of normal movement. Clockwise for this illustration only.
The red stars indicate the Chakras.
The Chakras revolve around the aura at a high velocity.
Each frequency attracts good and bad anomalies based on law of attraction.
The 7 Chakras are the energy foundation for all energy work within the aura of a human.
There are 7 Chakras, the crown, 3rd eye, throat, heart, solar plex, sacral and root.
Each Chakra regulates energy fields in different parts of your Aura.
When you are over exposed to negativity or negative energy it energetically will calcify your energy wheels (Chakras).
Daniel will provide a status of each of the 7 Chakras during a scan.
The result is either spinning and strong, spinning and weak or energy blocked.
A Chakra Balance will decalcify and unblock your Chakra wheels.
Sensitive people may feel heat and tingles during the balancing.
Mental detoxing can happen on some people which is a temporary sensation similar to brain fog.
This will have unique relief for mental and emotional manifestations as well.
Full effects can be felt 24 hours-36hours after.
This healing is silent, and non invasive.
Contact Daniel for a complimentary scan of your 7 Chakras.
The short answer is Yes, emotionally and mentally. I don't know why, but I began feeling a series of energetic "lifts" as soon as the Paypal was sent. It is like part of the release was already in process. After your completion, I felt very energized. I may be strange in this regard but it was like something slightly heavy no longer around. I did, however, rest without a lot of activity. Within 12 hours I had this strong desire to work on part of a project I had been doing on the laptop that I had been procrastinating about. It was kind of repetitive work, but essential for the project to make progress. I quickly worked through it, and also set the process to facilitate the remaining parts. I can relate this to lifting of the depression and anxiety, but I also take that as a synchronicity that something had been blocking the project and that maybe the project is even more important than I previously thought. Also, I clearly identified most of the people whose cords were removed. Out of the blue reaching occurred. I could deal with not being sucked back in.
Thank you for your help on this.
Ernest in Thailand
Hi Daniel!
The first few days I felt AWFUL. So much pain in random parts of my body, feeling cold and flu-ish, and VERY fatigued.
But I feel AMAZING NOW. The best I have felt in YEARS. I feel like myself again.
It has been LIFE changing. I just feel so much better and calmer (also I am doing your light protection daily.)
Thank you
Krystal from South Carolina
Ok…. Not that I didn’t know this already, but you really are the REAL deal!!! Today is the first time in almost 2 months that I’ve been up and out of bed except for work!! I’ve already deep cleaned my kitchen and about to mow the lawn!!! It’s Wild!!!! But seriously, thank you!!!!!
Brenda in North Carolina
Hey Daniel,
Here’s my experience since Sunday. I was actually at the gym finishing up as noon was approaching when i started to feel a heaviness (energy I suppose) and my head told me you had started and it was time to go home. Crazy thing is at that same time i was listening to a song Spotify and the app just force closed. So I got home and pretty much needed to lay down for about an hour or so. I felt a very strong energy but it wasn’t blissful as when I’d gotten reiki performed before, just intense and i was actually thinking wow i hope this is over soon haha. My entire appetite diminished as well. The energy wore off and i settled into my normal state, just with more optimism for the remainder of the day.
I cleansed my house that morning and every day since.
Yesterday was positive. Still feeling myself but with my better attributes coming forward.. patience with kids, less stress, moving with more intention, etc.
This morning was cool. As I was dropping my son off to preschool I felt an overwhelming sense of peace. Not the typical, brief moment of gratitude I sometimes get while the sun is beaming in my eyes, it felt more wholesome and genuine and really hasn’t left.
I still notice all my underlying symptoms of my physical body there, but my mentality definitely feels as though it’s shifted.
Ashleigh in PA
Since last night I don't have that thing on my heart chakra area any more, the one I mentioned yesterday, and I am relaxed.
Thank you Daniel and thank your guides for me : )
Jane in Florida
Hi Daniel,
I'm feeling very well, thanks for asking!
The first day I felt a little dizzy, but in a good way. Similar to a pleasant intoxication, which lasted a few hours. I have not felt that dreaded anxiety in my chest or abdomen that was present most of the time prior to you working with me. Now I feel much more clear headed, calm and relieved overall. Very "balanced" is a good term!
Jacob in Arizona
I feel amazing- I had a severe trauma 18 months ago that left me with such deep sorrow & despair- I now feel free & completely whole again. A weight has been lifted & the change is significant. My husband & son also both noticed a significant difference in how they felt. Our home doesn't have the oppressive heaviness it once had. And our cat is less skittish & seems more grounded & happy. Daniel is the real deal - I highly recommend him. Don't hesitate if you have issues that need addressing. Energy Healing can make a significant difference - I'm very grateful to Daniel for all the work has done on our behalf. Thank you Daniel so very much for helping our family."
Thanks so much
Deena in BC
Hey Daniel,
Just want to say WOW! And thanks again. It’s like this record that had been stuck and just repeating the same second of music over and over… like you took it off the turntable, cleaned it up nice, took all the dust and larger particles out of all the grooves, set the needle back down and boom! The record is once again playing like it’s supposed to.
It’s very interesting…
Another thing I notice is a cleanliness in my head I haven’t noticed for many years, something that suggests I might actually be able to leave my body again! Hmm… (This is potentially a very big deal!)
In any case, I am greatly appreciative. The slate feels as though it’s been wiped clean, so how does one best respect such a state? I definitely like the idea of more nature, more walking barefoot. More outdoor drawing is I think a fine idea as well. More breathing and meditation…
Patrick in CA
I just wanted to tell you that this last round of energy work that you did for me has been the most powerful ever. I don’t know if it’s the energy shield or what but since that was done I feel like I’ve gone through an emotional and physical detox almost ... and it’s like I don’t have any trouble being really clear in my mind and words about setting boundaries with chaotic / draining things .... I’ve never been able to be so clear and confident before. It’s strange but good things keep happening bit by bit.
K in VT
Daniel and I had a long conversation before he did the Chakra clearing work for me. He has a background as an EMT first off, so that's a HUGE bonus for any spiritual healer. I am a Healer myself so I'm under constant spiritual attack. First of all, with the complimentary energy screening he gave me, the process of healing was already started. As soon as he started, I could feel TONS of blockages and negative stuff falling off. My one ear was totally blocked up before he started and it resolved within an hour. I also felt so much better and calmer throughout the Day. He is most definitely working with High Level Intergalactic energies, as my own guides verified repeatedly. I would definitely recommend!
Thank you, Daniel....FIVE STARS!!!!
Lisa Rambow, Kitchen Witch Boutique
I found it easier to smile after the chakra adjustment and my grand daughter held her own in a political debate against 8 people who surrounded her (she told them she didn’t want to engage in that conversation but they wouldn’t let her out of it) after you unblocked her throat chakra.
Deborah in Pennsylvania
Hey Dan, You really helped me last night with my back. I didn't feel too much improvement for a little while, but I only had a few blocks to walk. Went back to the hotel and later walked about 1 1/2 miles through Center City to get to the concert hall. It was dark and fairly cold plus a long walk--a recipe for a lot of back muscle spasms and pain for me. But I was able to walk the whole way with no pain, just maybe a little muscle tightness. It was great! Thanks for opening that root chakra for me.
Ellen in Pennsylvania
Daniel I want to thank you deeply. I am a therapist for kids with autism and I manage my energy a lot for their benefit. There’s no irony that I got a new case right after you cleared me up and the mom just complimented my energy. So thank you. You’ve allowed me to open up to receive so much more love! Thank you
Lisa in Florida
Hi Daniel,
It was very interesting; I could definitely sense it. I was trying to meditate & intentionally open my energy to you. There were definitely some noticeable sensations & a few minutes after you messaged, Duff crawled up on the couch & laid on my chest. I don't remember much after that because slipped into a pretty deep sleep.
Thank you for sharing your gifts!
With gratitude,
Rachel in Florida
Thank you so sooooo much for the healing. So far I am feeling so much better and I NO LONGER feel as though a giant hand is squeezing my heart dry. In fact I feel lighter somehow and I know you have worked your wonders on me, and can now concentrate more on my spiritual development. Thank you much for being on this planet at this time and helping humanity - I salute you.
With a huge hug and gratitude, always.
Penni in South Africa
This has been such a wonderful shifting of energy in my life over the last couple of days. The first 24 hours or so were actually psychedelic, and a little intense, but it opened the way for a lot of new perspective and allowing. In the last day or two it feels like I've reclaimed a sense of worthiness and acceptance of my own identity. Things feel easier in a lot of regards, more clarity, intuition, and trust in my experience than there was before. I feel like myself and I'm not beating myself up for it or worrying about it. Thanks for coming into my experience, and thank you for what you do what you do!
Chris in California
Daniel performed a Personal Clearing/Chakra Balance on me which was an awesome experience. Being that I am a highly sensitive empath made for this to be an experience that is unexplainable. After detoxing for 24 hrs. I felt like a brand new person. A cord cutting was then performed, to rid me of a long time connection that was causing me great pain and heartache. He is a wonderful healer and I can't be thankful enough for all he has done to improve my life. Thank you for being the blessing I needed in my life.
Cynthia in NC
Being an empath all my life, I had no idea how other peoples past and present energy was effecting my body. I have felt slow and lethargic for some time now and was pursuing western medicine for answers thinking I had an autoimmune disorder. I then found Daniel and on a whim I decided to take a chance on balancing my chakras I had nothing much to lose and if it didn't work I might get a story out of it. After he balanced my chakras and telling me the 5 of them were blocked I have felt a lightness that I frankly have never felt. I have continued to feel better and I am so grateful for his services and my new lease on life. I have gone to others for healing but Daniel provides services that that are so specialized, effective and unique. I can't recommend Daniel more highly.
Karen in CA
I reached out to Daniel on the recommendation of a mutual friend I have been struggling for over 3 years with bad energy. I am so glad I did. He scanned my energy and determined that all 7 of my chakras were blocked and I had a negative cord that needed to be cut. He also determined the energy in I’m household was extremely negative. When he scanned me I closed my eyes and opened my energy to him and it was amazing I saw an array of colors and could feel tingling in my head. It was an amazing feeling. When he cleared my chakras I felt anxious at first but he calmed me by telling me what to expect. As my chakras cleared I felt hung over. After 24 hours I felt wonderful. I felt relief in the purest of ways. My house being cleared as well felt calm and quiet. I noticed an immediate difference in the way the people around me acted towards me.
No negativity at all in fact people were drawn to me and wanted to be closer to me. Since that clearing I have had so many great things happen for me. I got a promotion at work, a wonderful man entered my life, I have made many new friends and people are much kinder to me in fact they go out of their way to be closer to me. I am so grateful for this experience with Daniel and would highly recommend everyone go thru this. It is an amazing process and Daniel is a very caring and thoughtful human for sharing this wonderful gift with all of us. If you have thought about going thru this process but have hesitated please don’t this was a life changing event for me and can be for you as well. I cannot recommend this process enough.
Tammy in ID
I didn’t find Daniel he found me, I truly was in need for some higher level treatment as modern medicine could not help, as soon as Daniel started on my cleansing I had to sit down as it was heavy and clear that things were happening , over the next of couple days I was real tired. It felt like I was getting the negative energy sucked out of me through heat leaving my body.
Also I had the house cleansed and could not believe but believe the release of what was lingering around. Since then we plan on having Daniel work with us and anyone we can help with the energy field that might be infecting there space. Thank you again Daniel as you will be a lifelong friendship and guidance to a better journey.
Jason in CA
Hi! I’ve been meaning to message you about the chakra balance. I felt super dizzy & light headed the day or 2 after, but also had moments of intense visual clarity. I did have an awful night terror one night though, lots of anxiety & unexplained fear. But I’ve started to feel much more regulated and focused the past day or so. I think I’ve started to become acclimated.
Liz in New Jersey
I am clairvoyant and I noticed that I wasn't "seeing" the way I had in the past. I guess I was getting too caught up in the day to day and wasn't taking care of myself. I wasn't feeling bad but just not right. Through an interesting set of circumstances I got connected with Daniel. I had him clear and balance my Chakras. I didn't notice an immediate change. It just came on gradually (like a frog on a stove) over the course of a few days. Over those days I noticed a change in my energy, I felt a lightness and improved focus.
Daniel, I really appreciate your help getting me back on track.
John in CO
As a psychic medium, past life regression healer and channeler I was directed to Daniel by my spirit guide.
I don't always take her advice but as they say the proof is in the pudding. Daniel is the real deal. I experienced so many changes in myself because of Daniel.
I need to be clear and accurate for my clients and Daniel has provided me with this wonderful clarity to expand my gifts.
I highly recommend him and am so blessed to know him I have also used his other services which I will be updating you on my progress.
My family, pets and clients have greatly benefited from Daniel services as well.
One of the 1st service Daniel performed for me was to cut a hook in my lower chakra area and the relief was within minutes. I had been struggling with lower back pain and my left leg was always aching this was completely eliminated after the hook was cut.
Daniel then cleared our house within an hour I could tell a huge difference I was able to channel people from the other side with greater clarity. There was a lightness about my home.
Daniel then cleared my chakras and oh boy did I feel it. I was vibrating at a very-high-frequency. I highly recommend this for any psychic medium. What he does will enhance your gifts.
My client was struggling with 2 friends and Daniel cut the cords of these 2 friends. She immediately felt a difference with both friends. It continues to be a positive effect for my client.
I cannot thank Daniel enough for helping me with a situation this weekend. I am an empath and intuitive and I am very sensitive to energies.
I encountered a very dark, paranormal entity in SLC near the Mormon Temple. I was walking along the street and had something dark slam into my chest causing me to lose my breathe. It bounced off of me fortunately, but this happened several times that afternoon when I was passing this same location. I was referred to Daniel through my energy healer at home. Daniel scanned me, the friend who was walking with me at the time, my husband who was not with me, the location that I had my encounter and even our travel trailer that we were staying in north of SLC.
Daniel cleared, aligned and balanced both my chakras and my husband's chakras. Daniel completed a parasitic cord cutting for us both and also cleared negative energies from our travel trailer. I was able to sleep soundly and awoke feeling lighter and more joyful than I had the day before when I had felt heavy and completely off balance.
Thank you so much for your services Daniel! I am so grateful I was referred to you and I will definitely be using your services again.
Kirty, Washington
I can’t believe how my body and mind feel. I was really hesitant about doing this and can't believe I did. I never dreamt in a million years I would do something like this but I am so thankful I did. What did I feel? While you were doing it, my hand and arm would get warm, then pins and needles, then I got cold and then I felt a wave sensation go thru my right hand and arm. It would come in waves. Then I felt a sensation in my lung, almost like a pulling sensation and also in my lower stomach, side which felt like pressure. It was really neat because it was almost like a power surge. Pain? I am still in pain but on and off. Issues resolved: ALOT.
Physically I feel soooooo much better. There were things I didn't tell you. I had my entire right lung removed and my health and body had really taken a toll. I was literally miserable with how bad I felt all the time and was so lethargic. There were many days where I hate to say this, but I wish they hadn't saved my life because my body, health and energy were so low. I couldn't make it through the day without taking a nap. Now I feel great, I feel like I did before I got sick. It literally is incredible. I can't even believe it, it’s like a dream for me. I feel like I have been given a new lease on life, like I am brand new. My mind is clearer and quieter, I feel more tuned in if that makes sense. My depression and anxiety are less and calmer.
I have a peace about me and it has calmed my panic attacks. Another thing you did not know, I am a veteran and am the survivor of a military sexual assault. I have PTSD from it. The cord, the name, was actually that of my attacker. I feel free, and strong. The feeling of panic attacks and terror are gone. I feel less scared. I feel like I got something back that had been taken from me. I also feel more positive and it made me realize I do not take care of myself or nurture myself. Another thing you did not know, I came from an extremely abusive home, they said it was one of the worst they had ever seen.
I feel like something has been lifted off of me and that it is ok for me to love myself, to nurture myself and to be positive. I didn't realize how my negative self-talk was harming me. I feel so good and uplifted now, I myself do not want to do anything to harm it if that makes sense. I really can't put this feeling, the physical feeling into words. All I know is that when I take a breath, I smile because it is deeper, and I feel brand new. And the home, it feels like what home should feel like, safe and comfortable. I really can't thank you enough for what you have done to help me. I hope it wasn't too personal or uncomfortable for you with everything I shared but I wanted you to know the extent of how much you helped me and how thankful I am. I will be a life forever changed because of your gift. Thank you Daniel
S. in South Carolina
I recently asked Daniel for a Personal clearing. A few days later I had a reading by a local psychic who immediately said, "Wow, all your chakras are clear. What have you being doing?" I explained Daniel had completed an energy healing. She felt she was getting the messages more clearly. They were definitely accurate! Thank you Daniel.
Jan in Arizona
Daniel was a referral to myself and my family from another Doctor that I know. My family has a history with emotional challenges, each of us feeling and expressing different challenges. My first intention contacting Daniel T was for specifically one of my daughters who suffers from a systemic autoimmune disease. I wanted her to have all the opportunities for harmonious balanced health. I had Daniel read everyone in the family, and the home itself, and he found specific chakras off or not spinning unique to each one of us, and reflectively each one was unique and point on with accuracy to each of us, as well as the home having negative energies. My wife and I have noticed this through out the years. What was the most unique was Daniel picked up on Cords and entanglements on my other daughter who at the time was becoming more withdrawn and depressed. With clearing our chakras we have all felt more balanced, happy, and relaxed. Our home is more relaxed. And my daughter who was becoming more withdrawn opened up and expressed feeling happier.
Dr J Phoenix AZ
I have been an acquaintance of Daniel for 8 years. During that time he has assisted me on numerous occasions with Chakra balance and clearing my light field. I have called him in the middle of a work day to ease headaches when I am super busy and have seen remarkable results. I was recently feeling sluggish and had slowed down my class schedule for holding Meditation and Channel workshops after a recent illness. Daniel completed a scan and cleared my home, personal chakras and light field. My energy is back to normal and the excessive tiredness is gone. As energy workers we need to make sure we have a trusted source to go to when we need healing. I highly recommend Daniel for all of his services. He has spent a lot of time and training on his skills and it shows! Thank you Daniel, its great to be back up and running.
Tami Kieffer
Ascension Within ​
I had a clearing done by Daniel Teague. The amazing thing that occurred was that my cats immediately began to circle me and get antsy when this began. I felt amazing at first and then the following day I felt ill all day. I didn't leave the bed, but the following day - I felt so grounded and good. I know this will continue. I am so happy I found Daniel and was able experience his gifts.
Marcia in South Carolina
Contacting Daniel took a leap of faith for me, but I was feeling stuck and somehow knew my chakras were out of balance and I needed to do something about it. So I asked Daniel for chakra healing. He scanned my chakras and picked up pain and psychic cords as well. After his clearing I didn't really feel anything special, as I had expected to. But as days went by, five or six, I started feeling more uplifted, optimistic and lighter. My energy levels upgraded and now I am starting to get a different mindset about myself and the world. Altogether it has been quite a worthwhile experience, which I appreciate more and more as each day goes by. And Daniel was always great and very prompt at answering my questions and doubts. Maria, Portugal
My name is Zoe. I requested Daniel's service of Personal Clearing in January 2017. Wow! I opted for this service during a somewhat tumultuous time I was having on both a personal level and a professional level. I had previously experienced Daniel's Parasite Cord Cutting service and the results were instantaneous. I figured that if his cord cutting started out ranked as outstanding, then the Personal Clearing must work just as well dynamically and otherwise.
In my world, for quite a long time, I experienced conflict within my family. Because the pattern had been set for so long, I was unaware of the depth of negativity that my mind/brain/thinking process was in.
When Daniel introduced this particular service, I acted upon it as it resonated strongly based upon the deep patterning. After receiving this healing, my mind immediately felt CLEAR - the sticky, ugly, tar paper of negativity and false/negative beliefs dissipated. Within 48 hours, I felt re-balanced mentally. The effects of this specific healing has been profound and immediate. Now, less than one month later, I feel even stronger and more clear-headed. There has been no urge or inkling to turn back to my old ways of thinking. This healing was been very profound and far reaching.
As a healer myself, it is imperative for me to stay on top of my own healing. I chose Daniel because there is great depth to his work and the effects are felt immediately - and, not only are the effects immediate, they remain permanent.
Thank you again, Daniel, for yet another deep and profound healing. I highly recommend Daniel's services because his work has great depth. Again, this particular healing has healed me to the degree where I am finally able to face my own root issues and navigate through them with ease.
Zoe Niclaus
Healer Practitioner and Medium
Thanks Daniel. I was so skeptical. And desperate. I have been told of negativity that surrounds us, and always thought: "oh please...!".
I read your fb page. Because I first thought it tells ghost stories!
I spent the past year on my knees praying for my son, who could not find a job.
Then, one day I read on your fb page about the "readings" & "negative energies". And I thought, I'm going to give this a try. Daniel gave me the reading & I waited a few more days
I paid, beginning of the year, & Daniel said afterwards he cannot guarantee that my son will find a job. And my first thought was: "I've been caught for a sucker. Water down the drain."
As days went by my scepticism grew & I kept regretting the money spent.
And last week my son phoned. He sounded different, - he got a job, far away from where he is now, having to relocate, -negativity is gone & positivity is back.
I still do not know how this works. But God bless
Heléne in Australia ​
Daniel I’m an Empath and I can only describe your work as Christed, Cosmic Quantum Physics. Bless you. This is my journey:
24 Hours. I felt tingling in my hands immediately then heat in my body. My consciousness started burning for awhile. Then expansiveness. I got a headache and had to lie down. Then some relief. The pain in my heart subsided. I started breathing better. My body felt cold. I went to sleep and woke up around 4 am Sunday. I checked by blood pressure. It was 106/49. I wondered if I was leaving. I started crying. The headaches came in waves. It felt like layers being dissolved. I got nauseous and shaky. I felt vulnerable. I laid in bed. Obsessive thoughts bombarded me. I watched them until they dissolved.
48 Hours. I slept a lot. I felt weary. I went through several states of Consciousness - Confusion, Disillusionment, Anger, Revenge, Clarity, Compassion, Gratitude, Acceptance. I lost all concept of time.
72 Hours. I feel clearer-still weary, but protected. Throughout the day I felt energy coursing through my body burning out old paradigms. I’m sitting here in a void of awareness. I can still feel some grief in my lungs. I feel like I’m being initiated into a higher level. Headaches are coming in intervals followed by relief. The pressure at the back of my head is intense. It feels like my consciousness is being upgraded in sections. I had to lie down again. I feel intense tingling all over my body again and my forehead is throbbing. I feel it integrating into my cells. I have no thoughts, just awareness of being alive. Is the energy gravitating to injured areas? Between my shoulder blades is burning where I’ve been stabbed in the back. This Avalanche of Fire and Light requires submission. I need to go to sleep. I wake up. I’m drenched in a waterfall of Forgiveness. I just listen to myself breathe. My heart is at peace. I see the words “Je ne regrette rien” in my mind. It’s new dawn. It’s a new day. I walk outside. It’s not what I feel anymore. It’s what I am – Joy, Peace, Love, and Compassion .
Daniel is the Empath’s Healer. This journey is difficult to describe in words, it can really only be experienced. May you be Blessed by the Gifts of Daniel Teague.
Martha in New Mexico
Daniel came to me as a massage client. As he told me his story, at first I was a bit skeptical of his background and abilities to heal using energy from a distance (without touching). Being a massage therapist, this was hard to conceive. He offered me a clearing of my chakras and a clearing of the energy in my home, after doing a scan of both and finding that some of my chakras were energy blocked and there was a high number of negative energies in my home.
I gave him a time that I would be free to relax and receive the clearing. Daniel had prepared me for what I could expect to feel and reminded me that it would take 24 hours to fully manifest. I was nervous at first but was really excited to experience something I'd never felt before. As I lay there I tried not to pay too much attention to what I was feeling because I didn’t want to overthink it. I began to feel the tingling sensation he had described, first in my legs then throughout my body. There was a peaceful feeling that came over my body. I thought it was a coincidence because I was expecting the work to be done- then I felt the heat radiating from my abdominal region and my chest. I literally felt like there was a scanning going over my entire body. It was unlike anything I had ever experienced. I continued to do some deep breathing throughout the process, which allowed me to further relax and truly feel what was happening within my body. It was amazing. I would absolutely recommend this service to anyone. I would have never known that I even needed it.
Daniel also did a clearing of my home. Now, prior to him doing the clearing, my home felt a bit toxic. There was arguing amongst the adults and children in the home. There was lots of disrespect from the kids. "Home” wasn’t always my favorite place to go. I certainly didn’t like the energy in my home. I would even get that weird feeling like someone’s following/watching me as I would walk through the house at times. After Daniel did the clearing- no kidding- the person that had been causing most of the disruptive behaviors and disrespecting LEFT MY HOME. The arguing stopped. There wasn’t any feelings of unsettle or unhappiness. When I woke up the next day I can only compare it to feeling completely at peace with everything. It felt like I was living in a different atmosphere all together. I’m absolutely in awe of what he was able to do for my home, my family and my life!
What I felt was real, weeks later I still feel the effects. I feel stronger both physically and emotionally. It's like he put my broken pieces back together.
Just give it a try. You won’t regret giving yourself this gift of peace.
Andrea in Arizona
I know that when I start having negative thoughts, anger or I am feeling stuck there’s something I need to do about it. I go about it different ways. The first thing I tell myself is "this is not mine" because those feelings don't have my energy signature in them. I never make excuses, I don't blame others for my problems and I don't expect to have someone deal with those problems. One thing I do for myself is I allow myself to seek help. I have read and researched the role of the negative energy that people leave behind when they die and I know this energy can affect all of us at any given moment. So the important thing for me is to stay aware of this and seek help if I am not able to deal with it on my own. Daniel is great at figuring out where to start. Do I need to cut cords, clear my house or clear my own energy fields? It's great to have someone to ask for help during these times because it's hard to think straight when all the negativity seems to be falling down on me out of nowhere.
Lorena from CA
​I contacted Daniel about a month ago. I was experiencing many physical and emotional issues - including an overly attached mother, diverticulitis issues, and relationship patterns that kept showing up with the man I've been seeing for the last 2 years.
I had seen a trusted friend and psychic the day before I found Daniel and she suggested I find someone to do energy work because she could sense all the people in my life draining the energy from me. I prayed about this and when I woke up the next morning, I saw a Facebook post in a group I'm part of. I was instantly drawn to Daniel and the truth and complete lack of ego that he exuded.
When I contacted Daniel, he did a scan of my energy and told me exactly what I already sensed about my chakras. I sent him a list of about 19 people that I thought could have a parasitic cord attached to me. Daniel sent me back the list of ones that were (I may have added a few people that I wasn't sure about as a test - and he passed!) All doubts were erased by this point.
So the exciting part - Daniel snipped the cords and cleared my chakras within a few hours of beginning our correspondence. I could actually feel some of the bigger ones being pulled out. The whole experience could only be explained as out of body - I was functioning on autopilot but I had checked out to let him do what he needed to. I instantly started feeling lighter and clearer. A few days after, I had an aura picture done and she remembered me from all the other years I'd seen her. She was genuinely shocked by how much things had changed and just kept saying "I don't know what you've done to turn yourself around, but keep doing it!"
Daniel has a true gift. I know everyone is more than skeptical about sending money to an energy healer they've found online. That was a big concern for me - I didn't exactly have the money to spend with moving. But then I thought - what is more important than me and my (spiritual, mental, emotional, physical) health - was I going to keep spinning my tires or was I going to actually do something to fix it? Give him a chance, and you'll see what amazing things he can do for you. I see him as part of my spiritual family now and I'll be calling on his assistance when I get stuck in the mud again.
​Carrie L. Florida
​Dear Daniel,
Thank you for your support and services last month. It was great connecting with you. Here is my testimonial for the services received:
"Thank you so much for the following services:
A) Cord cutting -》i had a tumultous working relationship with my manager which often caused severe distress and unhappiness. Something just wasn't right. I gave Daniel my manager's name and he cut the cords which he found tethering me. Needless to say the effects were almost immediate. I am detached from the emotional stress and focused on my work and deliverables. I no longer feel 'trapped' and feel empowered instead.
B) Chakra Cleansing -》Daniel did a scan of my chakras and immediately identified that the sacral was weaker, confirming what i already knew. He also told me that the throat, heart and plexus were blocked. After clearing the chakras, i went through a few days of emotional churn, felt rather tired and sleepy and generally felt a little out of whack. It's been a week now and i feel great. Strange as it sounds, i feel sorted inside, as though internally i am aligned and centered. It's made a big difference.
I would recommend Daniel's services wholeheartedly. I went in not knowing what to expect and emerged feeling a world of difference. Daniel also took the time to speak with me to explain the process and regularly updated me. It was great working with him and i consider him a guide and friend.
- Sue in India
I highly recommend Daniel Teague and his healings. I have been following him for some time now on Facebook and enjoying his posts always wanting to work with him but never really felt the necessary "urge" to contact him until last week and was afraid that it wouldn't be affordable to be honest. I was listening to one of his interviews and suddenly it was as if Spirit literally screamed at me to contact him so I did.....immediately! I didn't truly know exactly what I needed but Daniel was quick to assess the message I sent him and suggested a cord release and a home & chakra clearing. It didn't take long for him to complete his mission. He did it all in one day. He really didn't know a thing about me and only asked for a list of people's names (first name/last initial only) in my life whom I had had dealt with that I felt some negativity from and I sent them. He had no idea who these people were either but he whittled it down to the ones he sensed had the greatest negative effect on the connection I had with them and in short I didn't disagree with any of them and was quite surprised how he picked up on most of them! I even threw another name at him that came up at the last minute but it was a really important name and it was a good thing because it was one that was needed to be released and when all cords were disconnected I had asked him if any had been a struggle to release (because I was interested) he gave me the name that came to me at the last minute! I told him that this was my long lost son whom I haven't heard from in years that I haven't/hadn't been able to connect with and he didn't/doesn't seem to want to connect with me either! As far as the home clearing went he told me that My home had a raw negative energy rating of 83! He didn't/doesn't know that I live in a very old home (around 120 years old) so it's no wonder I had been feeling very uncomfortable in it for a long time...fear was the most prevalent emotion especially at night. He also performed a chakra clearing and not much was felt the first day but the second day I wrote him because that night I felt extremely sleepy (went to bed around 7:30!!!!) and I wondered if this had anything to do with the clearing. I wasn't sure that it did but felt this so strongly that I was compelled to write him about it to ask even if I did feel silly asking. In fact I was so tired and sleepy I couldn't even wait for a response from him LOL! Next morning I read his reply and he confirmed what I was thinking and told me that this was a great sign of a very powerful healing. He was also great at communicating with me throughout the entire process. I am so satisfied that I told him that I will be keeping him in mind for another one of his healing therapies.... I love you Daniel💗
And you may not know this Daniel but every night since when I lie in my bed at night getting ready for my meditation, surrounding myself with protection and thanking Creator, my guides and angels for their assistance from the day I have been thanking Creator for you and your guides as well and every night when I walk in the door from work the first thing I do is thank all of the guides for watching over my home during that particular day because I know that they will be and ARE there!
Chris in Omaha NE
I’m fortunate to of known Daniel Teague for over a year now. We met at a contact mission near Superstition Mountain. That is where I discovered for myself that he had a unique talent in energy healing. My first session with Daniel I could feel the effects right away. First I could feel a slight pressure travel down the center of my body, after he completed the balance I felt an energetic detoxing witch feels like sight drunkenness followed by a sensation like I drank a bunch of coffee. This lasted for a few minutes, after I wouldn’t feel as sluggish as before and my mood would be much lighter. After a few sessions over time I started to notice some amazing affects. I had suffered from chronic lower back pain I couldn’t stand for more than a couple of hrs. without feeling pain. That pain has gone! I can stand and work for hrs. now with little to no pain. I can honestly say that working with Daniel has improved the quality of my life. I would recommend Daniel to all my friends. Thank you Daniel for all the work you do!
​Robert in California ​
Good morning Daniel,
I have to say, you are a miracle worker! I feel so free right now. I am amazed! Since childhood, I felt extremely sensitive and autistic when there wasn't a word for it then. Had a difficult childhood bathed in negativity. I always felt like I beamed down to wrong planet.Two years ago I got a bacterial infection from my cat and have been trying to clear it since. I almost ended my life on several occasions between the emotional pain and the physical pain, at times it was too much to bare.I even look different. I am so thankful to you Daniel for helping me. You have no idea. I feel like the goo that has encased me my whole life is finally gone!
I know you have said since negativity is here that a balancing or clearing maybe necessary in the future. I would do it weekly if it meant I could feel like this.
Love Laura in California
I met with Daniel and talked with him about his background and his experiences. I made a decision to allow him to work on me that same evening. In fact, I paid him around 9pm and felt the energy start up less than a half hour later. Once I realized what I was experiencing, I decided to go take a shower and lay down and let him do his thing. Very distinct. Several days later, I still feel more grounded, a little more centered and a little more internally quiet.. I say thumbs up for Daniel!
Founder of VisionariesLab and CORE Resonance
J. Hamilton
Daniel, I definitely sensed the energy. Felt cool breeze on top of my head. Felt really thick energy being pushed out my left brain connected to third eye and crown. Then started feel strong tingles on crown. I still have some thick energy on my left brain I think is related to those blocks you picked up. Still amazed by the amount that was moved. Nobody has been able to do that. I'm almost back into balance feeling.
Darius in Texas
Hey Daniel, I just wanted to leave a testimonial for the wonderful chakra balancing I received from you at the UFO Congress:
Thank you for the amazing chakra balancing session! I began feeling the positive effects immediately. Your energetic therapy works on so many levels. I'm feeling more optimistic and my burdens seem to have lifted. I have more energy during the day and I'm sleeping better at night. I'm happy to say these improvements are staying with me. You are so gifted in your ability to heal others and achieve amazing results!
RR, Southern California
Thank you soooo much for clearing my blocked chakras!
I used to be so stressed out at work and it seemed like I was never able to relax, and just seemed overwhelmed by simple problems, on a daily basis.
Ever since our session, it has been much easier for me to focus on my work with a much clearer perspective!
Thank you!!!
Dan C in California
Daniel Teague I'd like to thank you for the chakra balancing I received from you. As an energy practitioner myself, for over 15 years, I was able to feel the positive energy entering my crown chakra and target each chakra as it worked. It was peaceful and I slept better than I have in a long while. Today, I was feeling lighter, healthier, and fully in balance. I will definitely seek you out for future sessions!
Tracey in Connecticut
As I had a converstion with Daniel Teague, he asked me how I was feeling. All I said was so-so and he was able to instinctively know I had lower body isses. After about 2 weeks of intense lower body pain I had been keeping to myself, I was now fed up not being able to relax muscles and felt my upper body starting to tense as well. He suggested that he do a remote healing. We discussed the pin point areas and he went to work right away. I did have my reservations, but I wanted to give this a try so I allowed my gaurd to go down. By the evening, I could feel some areas begin to ease up and by morning, not only did I have a restful sleep but everything was back to what I consider normal. On top of that, my digestion issues for the 3 days prior to this ceased by dinnertime. It was honestly the best thing I every did. I should never have waited so long. I thank Daniel for all his help and I highly recommend his services
Jennifer in New Jersey
I want to thank Daniel Teague
I had had an extremely stressful week and he did a remote Chakra balance.
And it felt great!!
My back hummed and I was able to sleep like a baby.
It's funny how stressed you really are but you have no idea until someone "flips that switch" and intervenes!!
Todd in New York
Hi Dan.
As you know, for reasons I do not have to get into here, I had been the “beneficiary” of several well-focused psychic attacks recently that I did not realize had drained and poisoned my energies as much as they had done. Feeling like I was in some kind of a fog, mentally and physically, hardly describes the annoying array of discomforts I was experiencing. After your remote House Clearing and Chakra Balancing efforts on my behalf, within 24 hours (as you said would occur) there was a remarkable change for the better; it was as if a heavy weight was lifted from my being and a peaceful atmosphere descended over my residence and surroundings. Thank you for your most thoughtful and timely help.
Dr. Edwin M. Young, CA (www.WisdomOfTheRays.com)
Halo Everyone. To those of you who are wondering if they should pursue this avenue of healing.
I am presenting you what did and is continuing to work for me. My name is Don. I reside in Canada.
I was curious to experience the healing benefits of Daniel’s gift of remote healing. My reason for doing this was due to what had been causing my headaches. I communicated on Facebook with Daniel. He couldn’t see me physically as I have no camera on my computer. This would be my first experience utilizing this healing modality. From his location in Arizona he was able to perform an energetic reading of myself and my aura. This was a distance healing and no phone contact. He said that my Crown Chakra and Third Eye Chakra were active. All my other Chakras were blocked. I paid him for his service in repairing my problem. He said it would take 24 hours. I placed myself in his hands, so-to-speak. That evening I went to bed and had a great sleep. It had been a while since that has happened. I awoke refreshed and on top of the world. I felt very relaxed and balanced. I had no headache. I felt warm and comfortable, at peace.
This took place on November 18, 2015. I have not looked back. I am still in the comfort of being well.
I recommend his services to others.
​Yes, I would just like to say how effective Daniel and the chakra balance therapy he did for me and my hubby recently. I am a disabled person who suffered a serious stroke some years back. I was left with debilitating pain and limited use of my left leg.. After Daniels intervention, my left foot in my bad leg straightened and pain in my back and leg were also diminished. It was no doubt caused by the intervention of Daniel. My hubby who has had some emotional problems, also recounted to me that he feels better, more at peace and relaxed. So thank you dear Daniel for all the help you gave us and I highly recommend him to everyone!
Marilyn in New York
I found out about Daniel through my friend in Australia who had his house cleared and noticed a BIG difference! I am about to open a new business and the location seemed stressed so I emailed Daniel to have him clear out the space. He did and I immediately felt a difference and still do! I also had him do a personal Chakra balancing on me and not only felt clearer and less stressed but the next couple days attracted more income which I had been blocked in for a few weeks! Thanks Daniel..look forward to working more with you and sending others your way!
Howard Chait, owner- The Healing Havenwww.thehealinghavenaz.com
Awesome healing service!
Just wanted to send a quick note and let you know I slept better last night than I have in a very long time and I actually woke up with a clear head wanting to get the day started :-). That is monumental lately!’ ~This is the email I sent to Daniel approximately 12 hours after receiving a chakra balance. I had contacted Vega Star Healings after going through a stressful period and a resulting month-long illness I could not seem to bounce back as I ordinarily have in the past. He responded very quickly and was able to recommend and deliver a service that has made a huge difference! I am amazed at how quickly I saw awesome results and am grateful for his gift of remote work. All communication was via email. I did not have to travel or wait for a healing session... and I feel great!
Kimberly in Arkansas
Daniel Teague your only logical choice
Daniel was 5000 miles away but that didn't stop him curing the pain in my shoulder using I believe a Chakra balance/healing, and the pain in my shoulder stopped in moments. So impressed was I that I asked Daniel to let me interview him on my show. However on the day of the show I had completely lost my voice, nevertheless Daniel did a Chakra healing which restored my voice minutes before the show, truly amazing work. In my opinion Daniel is your go to guy your only logical choice.
Keith Anthony England

Daniel performed a remote chakra balancing for me a few weeks ago, and I felt a change almost instantly. It progressively got better over the next few hours. I had been feeling out of breath, like if oxygen wasn't going in to my lungs for a long time, and after the chakra balancing I felt I had so much oxygen that I was almost dizzy. What a relief! The other amazing change was that I became more aware of my emotions. I can distinguish if I'm sad or depressed. I became very alert so I can also make better choices now. I really appreciate what he has done for me. He's truly gifted and much talented!
Amalia in New York
Brilliant Healer
I can not say enough Good things about Daniel Teague. I have used many of Daniels services. IET, House Clearing and Chakra Balancing (for my wife, dog, and myself). Everything Daniel has done for us has had a tremendous effect, Especially the IET. I am literally a new person. Energized, Focused, Relaxed and Determined. Feelings I have not had in a very long time. After the House Clearing my home has a much more relaxed feeling and I am happy to be there again. The Chakra Balancing as well. His response is always quick and he even checks up on you from time to time to see how everything is going. I Highly recommend Daniel to anyone reading this. I know you will be happy with the results of his healing.
Mike in New York
Dan offers "Chakra clearings” I have used this service a few times. Each time Dan does the clearings, I feel completely relaxed and have felt a wave of energy wash over me. When he did the crown chakra clearing, I literally could feel the top of my head energetically open, allowing me to feel connected to myself and to my higher guidance. Dan also offers Psychometry readings, where he is able to read energy off of an object or a picture. Using a picture I had, he gave me information that prevented me from entering into a potentially unhealthy relationship. I was totally amazed on how he was able to pick up on the energy of the picture and tell me things that would eventually prove to be true. I am especially grateful for his readings and clearings as it has helped me stay empowered and on the path of my spiritual awareness. ~Danielle O.
Hi Dan,Just want to say how thankful I am for giving a me a treatment for the headache I had. This headache would not go away and I had it for a couple of weeks. You got rid of it in 5 minutes and it has not returned. But it gets better. I was having this headache because of my back being out of alignment and I hadn't been able to see my chiropractor doe to scheduling issues. Well, the next morning after the treatment, I didn't even remember I had all associated pain of my back and head until I thought about not being in pain. So what you do does work and in very little time.
Grace in the East Valley.