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Energy Filters

  • These energy filters  are found within and around energy fields for humans, pets, homes, structures, vehicles.

  • These filters must be activated as they are found in a dormant state and after a clearing or Chakra Balance.

  • An energy field can be cleared but after it’s cleared it needs assistance to regulate the dynamic energy coming and going from human auras and spirits. 

  • These filters are on 3 axis’s, in front and behind, left and right, and above and below.

  • They are similar to the Chakras in a human aura to keep the energy flowing without disruption.

  • Each filter set will deflect negative energy, spirits and ghosts from invading your homes energy field and your own. 

  • These filters can be reactivated as needed.

Testimonials for Homes

I received the energy filter activation from Daniel the other day for my home and work place. I can honestly say this is one of the most powerful energy healing I’ve ever experienced. I'm actually still feeling the effects. I highly suggest this activation for everyone. It’s a game changer, every day is getting better and I feel more like my true self. My work place just as my home feels very different. I feel like I can breathe differently, like the air got lighter and I’m also sleeping deeper. Thanks again you’re the real deal.
Alex in New York


A few days ago Daniel did the Energy Filter Activation on my home. Immediately I sensed a grid forming - looked like moving water. I fell asleep almost immediately after and got up with the alarm feeling completely rested (no snooze button!) The energy has been shifting every day since. The next day I came home from work feeling like I was being attacked by energy in my car and went straight to bed and cried for hours feeling like my ribs were being ripped open. Thankfully I knew this was just old stuck energy needing to be released. I immediately contacted Daniel and he did some detective work and found and released a depression cord. Instant relief! The next day when I was able to verbalize to Daniel what had happened, he also found that my car had an implant and negative energies. Things have only improved since. Besides the depression cord and the car issues, my experience is that the energy filter has brought unresolved issues to the surface to be cleared. Now my house has consistently felt lighter. I can always tell the difference from my cats - one had been sleeping nonstop for weeks and is now back to his quirky self. 
Positive takeaways..
1. I feel more energized, I don't come home from work completely exhausted and needing a nap.
2. I reconnected with my self care practices after dealing with the depression cord. 
3. I feel better in my car. Oddly enough, it's running better and I jokingly tell people that Daniel added turbo to it.
4. It feels that the weight of the world has been lifted after processing old dark emotions.
I feel that my experience with the energy filters may differ greatly from others because of my circumstances. I live in an apartment that many others have inhabited since it was built 30 years ago (who knows what kind of people they were!) and my sensitivity as an empath has greatly increased this last year. I work as a healer and most days I find myself bringing home everyone else's baggage that they have left in my office and a lot of that gets stuck in my home's energy field. The timing was divinely guided to release what needs to be left in 2019 and start the next year off right.
Carrie in Florida


I think the shift is so subtle it is almost dismissable, if that is a word.  There does seem to be a more relaxed atmosphere. As though the edgy under energies have been wiped away. Feels cleaner, lighter. 
Deborah in Arizona

Daniel told me about this new discovery and I think it’s amazing. He told me about the energy filters and how it works and it makes sense. I do not get a ton of paranormal in my home but I get a fair share of people coming and going. It’s a crap shoot who has more negative energy than others. But now there’s some regulation for this. He told me this isn’t about me feeling it it’s about just a knowing that it’s working. However I must admit, I felt some buzzing happening a few hours into when he said he completed it. There is more a calm in the home now.
Sean in Georgia

Testimonial for Humans

So as a precursor to the filter. I just broke up with a very narcissistic person who wanted to continue to bombard me with negative energy. The next day I was contact by Daniel to take part in this energy filter. The response from this person was overwhelmingly negative. So I was so on board with trying this. After receiving the blessing from Daniel I have not heard a single word from this negative person. Daniel asked if I had any physical things to report and yes as soon as the field was set I felt a pulsing sensation in my glands it lasted about 30 minutes. Kind of like a high blood pressure feeling but when it subsided all is peaceful. Always grateful Daniel.
Tammy in Idaho


Daniel suggested the personal energy filters after it seemed that I was being overly affected by constant different negative energies. I could feel a mesh barrier surrounding me that gave me such a sense of relief to not feel attacked with cords and hooks for the first week in awhile - even with being energetically weakened with seasonal allergies. The first night I had the best sleep I've had in months and I'm hopeful that this filter is exactly what I need to regain my sense of sanity and energetic safety. Daniel explained that it would even out the negative energies but I believe it adds a layer of protection for those of us that lean towards being overly sensitive.
Carrie in FL


This clearing felt and still feels like the debris has been removed from surroundings. I could feel the energy moving smoothly within my personal space and extended out around my energy field. I seem to be clearer in knowing information or solutions to things I ask within. It has been over 24-hours since this clearing was activated and I continue to personally feel lighter in my physical body, yet I am emotionally and mentally present.
Such a blessing to all of us that you have these amazing clearing and healing capabilities!
Much love and light,
Sarah in Indiana


At the time of this I was quite stressed and up tight. Overnight my mood changed. I relaxed down to a very calm state. I am still at this level of calmness. It is like I am in a deep meditation. I am recommending this service because I believe in the service he is providing. He did help me!
Blessings and Namaste!
Don in British Columbia


When Daniel did the energy filter activation on me shortly before I went to sleep, it didn't feel like much. But the very next day with the thing fully active, some wonderful things appeared in my life. After I went to a spiritual center for the first time in a couple months for a "Course in Miracles" session and I had great participation and fun in the group setting. I also found that the place was laid out in a manner in ways that were compatible with my Chinese zodiac sign of Tiger and also Feng Shui which I had recently started. I felt in my gut and heart that this was synchronicity and flowing with life in a manner that was only aided by Daniel's healing.
Andrew in PA


First a feeling of energy like cards being shuffled, or a ream of paper  pulled back and let go. Even hearing the sound that makes. Like the energy was coming in. Then crown chakra activated like a transmission or light beaming in. This beam seemed to last a long time each time and increased in intensity before it shifted to 3rd eye. Followed by 3rd eye activation, with a similar beam of energy.  And then the ruffling feeling. It was a whole body ruffling that felt like it was going through layers, like the cards shuffling only internal energy.  This cycle repeated at least 5 maybe 7 times. I began to note specific spots, back, elbows, eventually toes, lighting up, heating up. As the energy moved down to the toes, the intensity in the crown and 3rd eye shifted to a more internal sensation, and less like a transmission coming in. Today feeling very relaxed
Deborah in Arizona

​*Please rule out physical layer issues with a medical or dental provider.
*This is not an emergency service; everything is scheduled out.
*All services are considered intangible, or perception based.
*There is no promise or guarantee that a healing will work on you.
*This depends on your own beliefs, thought method, emotional sensitivity levels. 
*Anything negative you put in your body can influence and or disrupt a healing. 

*Women menstruating should delay healing work until after it concludes.

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